Boyesen, Petra Ottilia Annette (1811 - 1888)

Short name Boyesen, Petra Ottilia Annette
First name Petra Ottilia Annette
Birth name Boyesen
Married name
Alternative name Otto P. B.
Date of birth 1811
Date of death 1888
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Norway
Place of death -
Lived in Oslo
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Boyesen, Petra Ottilia Annette was ...
related to Koren, Christiane Birgitte
related to Collett, Camilla
Place(s) of Residence Oslo
Receptions of Boyesen, Petra Ottilia Annette, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Mentioned in: - Norsk Kvinnelitteraturhistorie.
Personal: Daughter of well-known Norwegian clergyman (Ulrik Frederik Boyesen (Bøyesen)). Unmarried. Lived in Ullensaker as a young girl, where she was a friend of Camilla Wergeland, later Collett. Her aunt was a very close friend of the writer Christiane Koren. As a grown-up she lived in Christiania (Oslo). Professional: Translator from German, Swedish, and from English.