Karamfila Stefanova (1859 - 1900)

Short name Karamfila Stefanova
First name Karamfila
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name K.
Date of birth 1859
Date of death 1900
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Bulgaria , Romania , Ottoman Empire
Place of residence notes
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Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Ludmila Malinova. “Karamfila Stefanova I neizdadenata j stihosbirka/Karamphila Stefanova and her unpublished poetry book.” In Vyobrazenite textove na Bulgarskoto vazrazhdane/The Imagined texts of the Bulgarian Revival. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Science publishing house, 2005, pp.182-204.
Provisional Notes in the 60s and 70s of XIX cö she belonged to the Bulgarian minority in Tulcha, Romania.Perhaps she went to study in Tabor (now in the Czech republic), where there was a circle of Bulgarian students and a Bulgarian reading association. There is also a hypothesis that Karamfila Stefanova was a pseudonym of a male author because beside her publications of poems in the press, her identity does not appear in any memoir left by her contemporaries in Tulcha. She is believed to be a literary personality of the male author Anton Frangya.
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Stephanova,Karamphila
Place(s) of Residence Bulgaria , Romania , Ottoman Empire
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