Beauvain d'Altenheym, Gaspard Augustin (1812 - 1883)

Short name Beauvain d'Altenheym, Gaspard Augustin
First name Gaspard Augustin
Birth name Beauvain d'Altenheym
Date of birth 1812
Date of death 1883
Death date Notes 4-6-1883
Flourishing 1845 - 1861
Sex Male
Place of birth Metz
Place of death -
Lived in Paris
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Beauvain d'Altenheym, Gaspard Augustin was ...
Place(s) of Residence Paris
Author of
Receptions of Beauvain d'Altenheym, Gaspard Augustin, the person (for receptions of his works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Isabelle Havelange, Françoise Huguet and Bernadette Lebedeff, 'BEUVAIN d'ALTENHEIM Gaspard Augustin [écrit parfois : d'ALTENHEYM] [note biographique]', Publications de l'Institut national de recherche pédagogique Année 1986, 11, pp. 168-169
possibly born Altenheim, not Metz. Beuvain d'Altenheim starts as 'sous-inspecteur primaire' in Auch in 1838, and in 1846 is named 'inspecteur de l'enseignement primaire' in Paris. He publishes several works under the name Altenheim, including Paul et Julie, ou les fleurs du Christ (1861), as well as translations from German.