Jacoba Catharina de Vos (1840 - 1900)

Short name Jacoba Catharina de Vos
First name Jacoba Catharina
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Cella
Date of birth 1840
Date of death 1900
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD)
Place of death Gelderland (region, NLD)
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes "Hare eerste proeven verschenen in de Kindercourant van 1878, verdere bijdr. daarin en Bato, in het meisjes weekblad Lelie- en Rozenknoppen en in Goeverneur's Huisvriend. " (van den Branden en Frederiks, DBNL) Contributed to: - Lelie- en Rozeknoppen - Hollandsche Lelie - Kindercourant - Goeverneur's Huisvriend - Bato Aangepast: overleden in 1900 i.p.v. 1910. Overleden in Velp. + publicaties toegevoegd. She wrote mostly children's novels. At 24 Jacoba became ill and she started writing. She passed away in 1900 in te Velp, Rozendaal, Gelderland. ESEanker
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
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