Mandele, Egbertina, van der (1869 - 1934)

Short name Mandele, Egbertina, van der
First name Egbertina Christina
Birth name Mandele
Married name de Wijs
Alternative name E.C.v.d.M. , Leo Luttel , Egbertina de Wijs - van der Mandele
Date of birth 1869
Date of death 1934
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Wijs, de Married
Mandele, Egbertina, van der was ...
Memberships Other: Literary society
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Receptions of Mandele, Egbertina, van der, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
'Bibliografie' in Groot Nederland, jaargang 3, 1905. 1905 comments on person
Boekenschouw, 'De Daad, door Egb. C. van der Mandele. (Uitgave H.J.W. Becht, Amsterdam)', in Den Gulden Winkel. Jaargang 12. Draaijer-de Haas, Albertine 1913 references person
Unknown maker, portrait of Egberina van der Mandele, 1913. 1913 is portrait of
Nieuwe boeken Haspels, George 1916 references person
*Mention in Het aandeel der vrouw [...] Maurits Basse 1921 None
Items_in_KB-cat._: 35
Member of the Vereeniging voor Letterkundigen in 1911: on a photograph together with A. Roland Holst, I. Boudier-Bakker, Marie C. van Zeggelen, Top Naeff, etc. Material in Letterkundig Museum, The Hague. For the name "Leo Luttel", VIAF uses a different identifier: