Vera Augusta Hjelt (1857 - 1947)

Short name Vera Augusta Hjelt
First name Vera Augusta
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1857
Date of death 1947
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Finland
Place of death Finland
Lived in Finland , Sweden
Place of residence notes
Related to Alta (Anna) Dahlgren , Alina (Alli) Augusta Nissinen , Fanny Tavaststjerna , Alexandra Gripenberg
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes Vera Hjelt didn’t have change to study much when she was young. She founded a music shop and later got a scholarship holder in the seminar for teachers. She became a teacher. In Nääs, Sverige, she completed the school for carpentry teachers, as a secod woman. After that she founded a private carpentry school and also a carpentry factory in Finland. She was an active speaker and lecturer and along founding the Martha-organization. She was the editor of many children’s magazines. Hjelt was also the first female “ammatintarkastaja” (work surveyor) in Finland and a member of parliament. Jwapr14
Religion / ideology Spiritist
Education Other, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships Of editorial boards
Place(s) of Residence Finland , Sweden
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