Kalliroi Parren (1861 - 1940)

Short name Kalliroi Parren
First name Kalliroi
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Eua Prenar
Date of birth 1861
Date of death 1940
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Greece
Place of residence notes
Related to Alexandra Papadopoulou , Cornelia Preveziotou , Arsinoi Papadopoulou , Sotiria Alimperti
Bibliography Cf. - Rizaki - Angelika Psarra, "'Few women have a history': Callirhoe Parren and the beginnings of women's history in Greece", in Gender and History 18 (2006), p. 400-411. -Ksiradaki, K. (1988). The feminist movement in Greece. Athens: Glaros Press, pp.60-64 -Lalagianni, V. (2009). Ιdentities for the gender at the short stories of Alexandra Papadopoulou in The Short story, E. Marmarinou- Politou & S. Denisi (edit.-introd). Athens: Gutenbrg Press, pp. 309-314
Provisional Notes LANGUAGES PASSIVE OR TRANSLATED FROM: - French svdmar12 info AVasilaki Women's National Assosiation which establisted by Parren: 1890: Scholi tis Kyriakis ton Aporon Koritsion (Sunday schools for poor girls) - 1893: Asylo tis Agias Aikaterinis (Asylum St. Catherine) - 1896: Enosi yper tis chirafetiseos tis gynaikos (Association for Women's emancipation) - 1896: Asylon ton Aniaton (Asylum for the incurable) - 1896: Enosi ton Ellinidon (Greek women Union) - 1911: Lykeio Ellinidon (Lyceum of Greek Women)
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships Women's National Associations
Place(s) of Residence Greece
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