Aino (Annikki) Voipio (1883 - 1975)

Short name Aino (Annikki) Voipio
First name Aino (Annikki)
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1883
Date of death 1975
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death Helsinki (FIN)
Lived in Sweden , Finland
Place of residence notes
Related to Emma Åkerman , Elli Hällström
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes Married name Åkerman. JWjan24 Aino Voipio was one of the first female journalists in Finland. She was known of her livelihood, courage and of her colourful articles. She also worked as a teacher and pricipal of a folk high school. She studied in the university and became M.A. 1929. She become educational counsellor (kouluneuvos) 1943. To her cirlcle of friends belonged C.G. Mannerheim. JWapr14
Religion / ideology
Education School education, Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Sweden , Finland
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