Dora Hanušová (1840 - 1920)

Short name Dora Hanušová
First name Dora
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Theodora Hanušová , Marie Litavská , Bohdana Ivanovna
Date of birth 1840
Date of death 1920
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Bohemia (region, CZE) , Austro-Hungarian Empire , Czech Republic
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography - Heczková Translation: W. Scott - Waverley, aneb, Před šedesáti lety, Prague 1874. Ch. Dickens - Nikudy ven, Prague 1888. C. Dickens: David Copperfield, Prague 1903.
Provisional Notes ust feb 2011. Lexikon české literatury, díl 2. sv. 1. H-J (Praha, 1993) Eva Kalivodová: Romantika, klasičnost a gender v českých překladech. / In: Český překlad 2 (1945-2004) [Český překlad 2]. Sborník příspěvků z kolokvia, které se konalo v Ústavu translatologie FF UK v rámci výzkumného záměru Základy moderního světa v zrcadle literatury a filozofie (MSM 0021620824) v Praze 8. dubna 2005. / Uspoř. Milan Hrala. - UK : Praha, 2005. - S. 50-64. Daughter of the professor of Prague’s University Ignác Jan Hanuš. Educated at home, she passed the examination from French at the University; from 1866 to 1869, she works as a teacher in Jičín (East Bohemia). Coming back in Prague, she was committed to Americký klub dam (Ladies American Club (1866-69). With K. Světlá and E. Krásnohorská, they founded Ženský výrobní spolek (Women’s production association). Published travel notes in Eliška Krásnohorská´s Ženské Listy (The Women´s Leaves), see Heczková. ust feb 2011. Translator from English (C. Dickens, W. Scott etc.). Author of court stories and travel stories. From 1870th, she published in Ženské listy.
Religion / ideology
Education Higher education, Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse single
Place(s) of Residence Bohemia (region, CZE) , Austro-Hungarian Empire , Czech Republic
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