Nadezhda Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia (1822 - 1889)

Short name Nadezhda Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia
First name Nadezhda Dmitrievna
Birth name Khvoshchinskaia
Married name
Alternative name V. Krestovsky , Надежда Дмитриевна Хвощинская
Date of birth 1822
Date of death 1889
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death Saint Petersburg
Lived in Russia
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Nadezhda Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia was ...
related to Praskovia Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia
related to Ol'ga Alekseevna Novikova
related to Sofia Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia
related to Gubernatis, Sofia de
Place(s) of Residence Russia
Receptions of Nadezhda Dmitrievna Khvoshchinskaia, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in the article Ruski novelisti (Russian Novelists; by Akil Volynskiy) ~~journalist (name below) 1902 is biography of
MENTIONED IN: - Ledkovky, Rosenthal, & Zirin (1994) - Golitsyn, Slovar', 1889 (1825-1865) - Ponomarev, "Nashi Pisatel'nitsy" has good bibliography (1891) - Clyman/Greene (1994) - Kelly 1994, p. 44 - Buck, Guide to women's literature (1992) -Greene (2003) -Gheith (2004), Rosneck (2000; DLB v. 238, 2001; 2010)
Biographical tropes: very few in articles about Khvoshchinskaia because she published with pseudonyms and very actively refused any biographical mention of her or Sofia's life. Praskovia published a posthumous biographical essay as a preface to Nadezhda's first Complete Collected Works (1892). Pseudonyms: Khvoshchinskaya, Nadezhda Dmitriyevna …a …a [1842] - N. Khv-aia [1842] - N. Kh…aia [1843] - N. N. [1853] (4 pirated poems) - V. Krestovsky [1850-58] prose - V. Porechnikov [1861-63] criticism - V. K. [1876-79] criticism - N. [1880-84] criticism - V. Krestovsky (psevdonim) [1859-89] prose [1885-89] criticism The Khvoshchinskaia sisters all lied about their ages by 2 years (i.e. all are 2 years older than the dates in all biographies). Source: Hoogenboom and Rosenholm (2001).