Bassett, Mary (15XX - 1572)

Short name Bassett, Mary
First name Mary
Birth name Roper
Married name
Alternative name Mary Roper Clarke , Mary Clarke Basset
Date of birth 15XX
Date of death 1572
Birth date Notes probably between 1526-153
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death London
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Catholic
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Bassett, Mary was ...
Place(s) of Residence England
Receptions of Bassett, Mary, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
MENTIONED IN: - Stevenson, in Weissbort/Eysteinsson, Translation - Theory and Practice 2009, 130-1: for manuscript circulation
Granddaughter of Thomas More. Daughter of Margaret Roper (née More), also a translator, and William Roper, first biographer of Thomas More. Widow of Stephen Clarke. Second husband James Basset, with whom she had two sons (Philip Bassett and one other). Basset died when Mary was pregnant with second child. In contact with royal house (Mary Tudor etc.)