L. Onerva (1882 - 1972)

Short name L. Onerva
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/84370629/
First name Hilja Onerva
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Hilja Onerva Lehtinen
Date of birth 1882
Date of death 1972
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death Finland
Lived in Finland
Place of residence notes
Related to Hilda Käkikoski
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes In one of her articles (called "Halpahintaisen käännöskirjallisuuden naisisstuminen" /"Feminization of cheap literature in translation"/, published in the journal Sunnuntai, 19.11.1916), Onerva deplored the "feminization" of literature translated in Finland, attacking mostly the "dull & bourgeois" female authors (mostly Nordic ones, as Ingeborg Maria Sick, Jenny Blicher-Clausen, Anna Baadsgaard, Emilie Flygare-Carlén) as "undesirable import"... Onerva's case is a prototype of one of a woman writer/translator/critic being torn between the commitment to the "women's cause", the "national project" and loyalty with the (mostly male) literary group of decadents & Nietzscheans, just as so many women in other European literatures of the period. VCapkova may10 No translations into Dutch according to NCC/Picarta. svdmay10 - Long relationship, companionship and friendship with the Finnish neoromantic poet Eino Leino, wrote his biography Studied art history, aesthetics, literature A very versatile author: writer (novels, short stories, poetry), journalist (reviews of works of art & literature, vivid interest in cultural and political debates), essayist, translator from french (of French literature mostly). Even though being a feminist, translated mostly canonized male authors with the exception of Marcelle Tinayre. VCapkova apr10
Religion / ideology
Education Higher education, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Finland
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