Huch, Ricarda (1864 - 1947)
Short name | Huch, Ricarda |
VIAF | |
First name | Ricarda |
Birth name | Huch |
Married name | |
Alternative name | Richard Hugo , R. Ith Carda |
Date of birth | 1864 |
Date of death | 1947 |
Flourishing | - |
Sex | Female |
Place of birth | Germany |
Place of death | Germany |
Lived in | Germany |
Place of residence notes |
Mother | |
Father | |
Children | |
Religion / ideology | Protestant |
Education | Higher education |
Aristocratic title | - |
Professional or ecclesiastical title | - |
Huch, Ricarda was ...
related to | Baum, Marie |
Profession(s) | |
Memberships | Verein der Schriftstellerinnen und Künstlerinnen Wien |
Place(s) of Residence | Germany |
Receptions of Huch, Ricarda, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title | Author | Date | Type |
Ricarda Huch, art. in De Gids | Jacob Nicolaas van Hall | 1903 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch (in De Gids) | Jacob Nicolaas van Hall | 1903 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 50. Geburtstage | Elster, Hanns Martin | 1914 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Max Pirker | 1914 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Bethge, Hans | 1914 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Bäumer, Gertrud | 1914 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Hefele, Herman | 1916 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch.Ein Wort über die Kunst des Erzählens | Oskar Walzel | 1916 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | ?? Keim | 1919 | comments on person |
E.Th.A. Hoffmann. † 25 Juni 1822. Art. in De Gids | J.A.N. Knuttel | 1922 | quotes person |
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag | Harich, Walther | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch in Zürich | Dr. Hedwig Bleuler-Waser | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag | Elster, Hanns Martin | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Franz Faßbinder | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zum 60. Geburtstag. | Seidel, Ina | 1924 | comments on person |
Bei Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag. | Else Frobenius | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Thomas Mann | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihem 60. Geburtstage | Hans Sturm | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Lucia Dora Löffler-Frost, Lucia Dora Frost | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 60. Geburtstage | Heine, Anselma | 1924 | comments on person |
Weltgestaltung und Lebensbedeutung in den Werken Ricarda Huchs | Netzle, Christoph | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag | Bethge, Hans | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Wittko, Paul | 1924 | comments on person |
Die Dichterin Ricarda Huch | Oskar Walzel | 1924 | comments on person |
An Ricarda Huch | Fritz Strich | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag | Martha Charlotte Nagel | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Bürger, Walter | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] | 1924 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch als Historikerin | Bäumer, Gertrud | 1925 | comments on person |
Menschen und Schicksale in Ricarda Huchs historischer Darstellung | Meyn-von Westenholz, Elisabeth | 1927 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Fritz Strich | 1931 | comments on person |
Aus dem Leben von Ricarda Huch | Baum, Marie | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag | Tim Klein | 1934 | comments on person |
Natur und Geist, Tradition und Freiheit. Zum 70. Geburtstag von Ricarda Huch | Wolff, Emmy | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Schauwecker, Franz | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zum 70sten Geburtstag | Goetz, Wolfgang | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Sophie Walburga Margaretha Hoechstetter | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Persönlichkeit und Werk in Darstellungen ihrer Freunde | [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch | Emil Kast | 1934 | comments on person |
Dank an Ricarda Huch | Bäumer, Gertrud | 1934 | comments on person |
Ich pilgere zu Ricarda Huch | Kühn, Editha | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag | Karl Giering | 1934 | comments on person |
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag | Hoppe, Else | 1934 | comments on person |
Vita somnium breve | Meyn-von Westenholz, Elisabeth | 1934 | comments on person |
- Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "Her Neo-romantic poems, and two semi-auto-biographical novels, published while she was working as a teacher in Zurich, established her literary reputation, which was consolidated in 1899 and 1902 by two scholarly works on the romantic movement".
- Chevalier, Tracy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the essay, 1997, 408-409 (Chevalier only mentions 4 female German essayists: Margarete Susman, Ricarda Huch, Hannah Arendt, Christa Wolf)
- Meyer, Michael, Ricarda Huch Bibliographie. Wien, 2005.
Studied at University of Zürich (doctorate in 1890/91).
Lived in Italy with Italian husband (they divorced in 1906).
Born: 18-07-1864 Died: 17-11-1947
KLK 1904
KLK 1915