Huch, Ricarda (1864 - 1947)

Short name Huch, Ricarda
First name Ricarda
Birth name Huch
Married name
Alternative name Richard Hugo , R. Ith Carda
Date of birth 1864
Date of death 1947
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death Germany
Lived in Germany
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Huch, Ricarda was ...
related to Baum, Marie
Memberships Verein der Schriftstellerinnen und Künstlerinnen Wien
Place(s) of Residence Germany
Author of
Receptions of Huch, Ricarda, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Ricarda Huch, art. in De Gids Jacob Nicolaas van Hall 1903 comments on person
Ricarda Huch (in De Gids) Jacob Nicolaas van Hall 1903 comments on person
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 50. Geburtstage Elster, Hanns Martin 1914 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Max Pirker 1914 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Bethge, Hans 1914 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Bäumer, Gertrud 1914 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Hefele, Herman 1916 comments on person
Ricarda Huch.Ein Wort über die Kunst des Erzählens Oskar Walzel 1916 comments on person
Ricarda Huch ?? Keim 1919 comments on person
E.Th.A. Hoffmann. † 25 Juni 1822. Art. in De Gids J.A.N. Knuttel 1922 quotes person
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag Harich, Walther 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch in Zürich Dr. Hedwig Bleuler-Waser 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag Elster, Hanns Martin 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Franz Faßbinder 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zum 60. Geburtstag. Seidel, Ina 1924 comments on person
Bei Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag. Else Frobenius 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Thomas Mann 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihem 60. Geburtstage Hans Sturm 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Lucia Dora Löffler-Frost, Lucia Dora Frost 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 60. Geburtstage Heine, Anselma 1924 comments on person
Weltgestaltung und Lebensbedeutung in den Werken Ricarda Huchs Netzle, Christoph 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag Bethge, Hans 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Wittko, Paul 1924 comments on person
Die Dichterin Ricarda Huch Oskar Walzel 1924 comments on person
An Ricarda Huch Fritz Strich 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag Martha Charlotte Nagel 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Bürger, Walter 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1924 comments on person
Ricarda Huch als Historikerin Bäumer, Gertrud 1925 comments on person
Menschen und Schicksale in Ricarda Huchs historischer Darstellung Meyn-von Westenholz, Elisabeth 1927 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Fritz Strich 1931 comments on person
Aus dem Leben von Ricarda Huch Baum, Marie 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag Tim Klein 1934 comments on person
Natur und Geist, Tradition und Freiheit. Zum 70. Geburtstag von Ricarda Huch Wolff, Emmy 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Schauwecker, Franz 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zum 70sten Geburtstag Goetz, Wolfgang 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Sophie Walburga Margaretha Hoechstetter 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Persönlichkeit und Werk in Darstellungen ihrer Freunde [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch Emil Kast 1934 comments on person
Dank an Ricarda Huch Bäumer, Gertrud 1934 comments on person
Ich pilgere zu Ricarda Huch Kühn, Editha 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag Karl Giering 1934 comments on person
Ricarda Huch. Zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag Hoppe, Else 1934 comments on person
Vita somnium breve Meyn-von Westenholz, Elisabeth 1934 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "Her Neo-romantic poems, and two semi-auto-biographical novels, published while she was working as a teacher in Zurich, established her literary reputation, which was consolidated in 1899 and 1902 by two scholarly works on the romantic movement". - Chevalier, Tracy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the essay, 1997, 408-409 (Chevalier only mentions 4 female German essayists: Margarete Susman, Ricarda Huch, Hannah Arendt, Christa Wolf) - Meyer, Michael, Ricarda Huch Bibliographie. Wien, 2005.
Studied at University of Zürich (doctorate in 1890/91). Lived in Italy with Italian husband (they divorced in 1906). Born: 18-07-1864 Died: 17-11-1947 KLK 1904 KLK 1915