Meyer, Ymke (1847 - 1894)

Short name Meyer, Ymke
First name Ymke
Birth name Meyer
Married name
Alternative name Ymke Braunius Öberius - Meyer , Ymke Braunius Oeberius - Meyer , George de Bruin , Una
Date of birth 1847
Date of death 1894
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Meyer, Ymke was ...
related to Douwes Dekker, Eduard
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Receptions of Meyer, Ymke, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in Art. in De Gids J.E. Sachse 1891 None
*Art. in Scand.-Nederland Meijboom, Margaretha 1905 comments on person
Cf. - art. Petra Broomans in Suzan Van Dijk e.a. (eds.), "I have heard about you" Foreign women’s writing crossing the Dutch border. Hilversum, 2004.
No viaf. Info Hein Walsweer (genealoog): "Ymkje is geboren te Oldeboorn 12 november 1847 als dochter van Evert Meyer en Janke Murks Bottema en overleden te Ellecom (Rheden) 18 september 1894. Op diezelfde dag stierf ook haar man Nicolaas Braunius Oeberius. Dat het hier om onderscheiden sterfgevallen gaat, volgt uit de aktenummers (188 respektievelijk 189)." Husband Nicolaas Braunius Öberius was good friend of Eduard Douwes Dekkers (Multatuli) Lived in Ellekom (Source. Joh. Berg, Invloed Italiaanse Letterkunde, p. 64, who refers to a letter she sent to the Dutch periodical the "Lantaarn" 1887, no. 24 ) [E.N. 10 oct. 2005] Journalist for De Leeswijzer (about 1889) Published in: - Nederland Translator from Swedish, translator from Italian and translator from Norwegian, of work by Lars Dilling, Axel Lundgard and others.