Brontë, Charlotte (1816 - 1855)

Short name Brontë, Charlotte
First name Charlotte
Birth name Brontë
Married name
Alternative name Lord Charles Albert Florian Wellesley , Currer Bell
Date of birth 1816
Date of death 1855
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Thornton (Yorkshire)
Place of death Haworth
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education Educated at home, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Brontë, Charlotte was ...
related to Elizabeth Gaskell
related to Brontë, Emily
related to Brontë, Anne
Place(s) of Residence England
Receptions of Brontë, Charlotte, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
F.v.H., Currer Bell's Romane Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1850 comments on person
Currer Bell Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1850 comments on person
Currer Bell's Romane Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1850 comments on person
*Art. on: Susanna Maria Boëseken: Hillegonde, […] Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1853 None
Die Verfasserin von Jane Eyre Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1855 comments on person
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists Eliot, George (pseud.) 1856 None
Charlotte Brontë Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1857 None
The life of Charlotte Brontë Elizabeth Gaskell 1857 is biography of
*Art. Charlotte Bronté [sic] Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1857 comments on person
Currer Bell – Charlotte Brontë Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1858 comments on person
Nachfolgerinnen der Currer Bell Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1860 comments on person
*Mention of Ch.Bronte in Art. in de Gids Busken Huet, Conrad 1863 None
*Mention in Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen P.A. de Bruijn 1868 None
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theater Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1876 None
*Mention in Art. in De Gids *Mention in Art. in De Gids Boissevain, Charles 1877 None
*Mention in Art. in De Gids Pierson, Allard 1878 None
Nieuw Engelsch Proza Eeden, Frederik van 1891 None
Mulheres: Ensaio de Psicologia Feminina Maria Cláudia de Campos, 1895 None
Mnogoženstvo in enoženstvo Polygamy and monogamy Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk 1899 None
*no title [???] Just Bing 1906 None
Lowoodska sirota The Orphan of Lowood Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1912 None
Tre søstre (three sisters) Sigrid Undset 1917 comments on person
Women Novelists Woolf, Virginia 1918 None
*The Intellectual Status of Women Woolf, Virginia 1920 None
Džordž Eliot (George Eliot) Sekulić, Isidora 1926 None
De drie gezusters Bronte The three Brontë sisters Jeanne Reyneke van Stuwe 1935 comments on person
Vrouwenspiegel: een literair-sociologische studie over de Nederlandse romanschrijfster na 1880 Romein Verschoor, Annie 1936 comments on person
Studije i eseji o feminizmu II. Feminizam u modernoj knjizevnosti [Studies and Essays on Feminism II. Feminism in Modern Literature] Hlapec Djordjević, Julka 1937 None
George Richmond, portrait of Charlotte Brontë, chalk, 1850. National Portrait Gallery None is portrait of
MENTIONED IN: - Beauvoir, Deuxième sexe, 1949 (ed.Folio 1976, p. 139) - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "Bronte's bold depiction of the social and psychological situation of the 19th century women has generated much recent feminist commentary". - Offen, European feminisms, 2000 - Vaessens, Geschiedenis van de moderne Nederlandse literatuur, 2013, p. 64
See her correspondence (quotation in NEWW site) Impossible love for married man; marriage to another 1854. Edits MCL Feb2014 HERA Health: Died from complications related to pregnancy (morning sickness), and also probably had typhus. KLK 1904