Elina Guimarães (1904 - 1991)

Short name Elina Guimarães
First name Elina
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Elina Júlia Pereira Guimarães de Palma Carlos
Date of birth 1904
Date of death 1991
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Portugal
Place of death -
Lived in Portugal
Place of residence notes
Related to Teresa Leitão de Barros , Adelaide Cabete
Bibliography CIDM, Elina Guimarães: Uma Feministas Portuguesa, Vida e Obra (1904-1991), Lisboa, 2004. Oliveira, Américo Lopes de, Dicionário de Mulheres Célebres, Porto, Lello & Irmão Editores, 1981, p. 517.
Provisional Notes ILmay12 Lawyer.
Religion / ideology
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Memberships Conselho Nacional das Mulheres Portuguesas (CNMP/National Council of Portuguese Women), International Council of Women
Place(s) of Residence Portugal
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