Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest Campan (1752 - 1822)

Short name Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest Campan
First name Jeanne Louise Henriette
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1752
Date of death 1822
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth France
Place of death France
Lived in Paris , France
Place of residence notes
Related to Hortense Eugénie Cécile de Beauharnais , Anaïs de Bassanville
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Desplantes et Pouthier, 1890 - Larnac, Histoire de la littérature féminine en France, 1921 - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "Having survived the Revolution she founded a national institution for the education of young women before being made director of Napoléons Maison d'Education de la Légion d'Honnuer in Ecouen. With the fall of the empire she was accused of having collaborated with Napoleon and having betrayed the queen. Her Mémoires may in part have been written to counter such allegations". - Offen, European feminisms, 2000
Provisional Notes "A quinze ans elle entra à Versailles avec le titre de lectrice de Mesdames, filles du roi Louis XV." Desplantes et Pouthier, p.253 Son died before her own death. Desplantes et Pouthier, p.266. Paris 06-10-1752 - Mantes 16-03-1822. Lived in Paris and Versailles. Lady-in-waiting ("Voorlezeres der Prinsessen en eerste Kamenier der Koningin" from bookreview VLO - jws 0606) Writer for children. Writer of textbooks. Collaboration/connections with male authors/historical figures : - Bernard Germain de Lacépède - Louis XV - Louis XVI - Napoléon MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.99: rearticulating feminist claims
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Paris , France
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