Inchbald, Elizabeth (1753 - 1821)

Short name Inchbald, Elizabeth
First name Elizabeth
Birth name Simpson
Married name
Alternative name Elizabeth Simpson
Date of birth 1753
Date of death 1821
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Suffolk
Place of death London
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Inchbald, Elizabeth was ...
related to Jane Porter
related to Porter, Anna Maria
Place(s) of Residence England
Receptions of Inchbald, Elizabeth, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Presence in Cleve Catalogue ~Cleve (owner of library) 1792 lists person
On the Female Literature of the Present Age [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1820 comments on person
*Art. on young British authors Drost, Aernout 1834 None
art. in de Muzen Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1835 None
Engelske Forfatterinder (English Authoresses) [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] 1858 comments on person
Engelske Forfatterinder. Mrs. Inchbald English authoresses. Mrs. Inchbald Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1861 is biography of
*Comment in private letter Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von None comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: She herself acted in her own plays. - Vaessens, Geschiedenis van de moderne Nederlandse literatuur, 2013, p.130 Cf. - Ty, Eleanor, Unsex'd Revolutionaries, Toronto,1993 (rev art in ECF 12 (1999) 111). svd.
Born in Stanningfield, near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk (15-10-1753), died in Kensington (01-08-1821). Actress until 1785. Friend of (radical) William Godwin and Thomas Holcroft. MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.73: novels containing “fem.”message