Catherine II (Empress of Russia) (1729 - 1796)

Short name Catherine II (Empress of Russia)
First name Sophie Auguste Friederike
Birth name von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg
Married name
Alternative name Sophie-Frédérique-Auguste d' Anhalt-Zerbst , Catherine the Great , Ekaterina Alekseevna
Date of birth 1729
Date of death 1796
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Szczecin (Stettin)
Place of death Saint Petersburg
Lived in Russia
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Russia
Author of
Receptions of Catherine II (Empress of Russia), the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Letter to D'Alembert (first) Catherine II (Empress of Russia) , Catherine II (Empress of Russia) 1762 references person
Les Morlaques Giustiniana Wynne 1788 is dedicated to
La Vie de Cathérine II, impératrice de Russie The life of Catherine II, empress of Russia Jean-Henri Castéra 1797 is biography of
Ode sur la mort de Catherine II Marie Caroline Murray 1798 is obituary of
Het leeven van Catharina de II, Keizerin van Rusland Joannes van der Linden 1798 is biography of
Raspuskaiushchaiasia Roza ili Raznye sochineniia v proze i stikhakh The Unfolding Rose or Various Works in Poetry and Prose Murzina, Aleksandra Petrovna 1799 is dedicated to
Antwoord van Catharina de II aan den Marschalk Romantzof Unknown translator (to be identified) 1806 quotes person
*Art. Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1812 None
*Presence in catalogue Württemberg, Sophie Frederike Mathilde von 1832 None
*Presence in catalogue Württemberg, Sophie Frederike Mathilde von 1832 None
Uit den geestenwereld Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1860 comments on person
De laatste levensdagen van Catharina II H.M.M. Rappard 1860 is biography of
La segunda Catalina, lumbrera de la Rusia (The second Catherine, beacon of Russia) Rogelia León 1866 comments on person
Literarno delovanje ruske cesarice Katarine II The Literary Activity of Russian Empress Catherine II Bratina, Janko 1905 comments on person
Ruska književnost l. 1907 Russian Literature - Year 1907 Miklavec, Peter 1908 None
Zaslužne žene na peru The Worthy Women of Letters Popović, Anđelija 1913 None
Antoni Albertrandi, after Fyodor Rokotov, portrait of Catherine II, 1780s, Royal Castle Warsaw None is portrait of
- Golitsyn, Slovar', 1889 - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 591, 663-6, 815 - Clyman/Greene (40) - The Memoirs of Catherine the Great. A new translation by Mark Cruse and Hilde Hoogenboom. New York, 2006.
eg aug 10 1 son, 1 illegitimate son, 1 illegitimate daughter. Clyman/Greene (40): The most prolific and powerful woman writing in eighteenth-century Russia. KLK 1904