Emilie Cornelie Wilhelmine Gobée (1839 - 1885)

Short name Emilie Cornelie Wilhelmine Gobée
First name Emilie Cornelie Wilhelmine
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Mevrouw van Walrée , E.C.W. Walrée - Gobée , Christine Muller
Date of birth 1839
Date of death 1885
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Den Bosch (Noord-Brabant)
Place of death Nijmegen (Gelderland)
Lived in Brummen (Gelderland, NLD) , Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes 28 September 1839, 's-Hertogenbosch - 4 March 1885, Nijmegen. Asked by Mw. van Westrheene to contribute to the "Bibliotheek van Nederlandse schrijfsters" (Library of Dutch women writers): does not however participate, finding that 'een bestelden roman niet bevorderlijk zou zijn aan haar inspiratie' ('a pre-ordered novel would not work in favour of her inspiration') (cf. art. Kuitert). Married to heer van Walree. Not mentioned in: - Jonckbloet, - Kalff
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Walrée, Mevrouw van
Place(s) of Residence Brummen (Gelderland, NLD) , Netherlands