Laura Mohr (1854 - 1928)

Short name Laura Mohr
First name Laura
Birth name Mohr
Married name
Alternative name Laura Marholm , Leonhard Marholm , Laura Katharina Mohr Hansson
Date of birth 1854
Date of death 1928
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Latvia
Place of death Latvia
Lived in Germany , Latvia
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Germany , Latvia
Receptions of Laura Mohr, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Vom Büchertisch. Das Buch der Frauen von Laura Marholm. Laura Marholm's Modern Women [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1895 comments on person
Slovenske pesnikinje Slovenian female poets Govekar, Fran 1897 None
O psihologiji Lavre Marholmove About the Psychology of Laura Marholm Heilborn, Ernst 1897 comments on person
Književnost in umetnost (Knjiga Lavre Marholmove: "Das Buch der Fräuen) Literature and Art (Laura Marholm's Book: "The Book of Women") Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1897 comments on person
Književnost in umetnost Literature and Art Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1897 None
Feminizem in ženstvo Feminism and Women Juvančič, M. 1899 None
Dnevne vesti Daily News Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1899 comments on person
*Commenting in De Gids upon Savornin Lohman, Marholm and Goekoop Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1899 comments on person
Nove faze moderne žene The new phases of the modern woman Novák, Arne 1900 comments on person
Lavra Marholmova o ženi Laura Marholm Speaking About Woman Lončar, Dragotin 1900 comments on person
Nove faze moderne žene The new phases of the modern woman Novák, Arne 1900 comments on person
Slovensko splošno žensko društvo The Slovenian general female association Govekar, Minka 1901 quotes person
ABR june2011 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 translated from which language ??? svdmar12 Born in Latvia, lived in Germany, married to the Swedish author Ola Hansson. Wrote essays discussing the Women question. KLK 1904 MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.188ss: New Woman