Ekaterina Velikova Peneva Karavelova (1860 - 1947)

Short name Ekaterina Velikova Peneva Karavelova
First name Ekaterina Velikova Peneva
Birth name Karavelova
Married name
Date of birth 1860
Date of death 1947
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Bulgaria
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Ekaterina Velikova Peneva Karavelova was ...
Place(s) of Residence Bulgaria
Author of
Receptions of Ekaterina Velikova Peneva Karavelova, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
MENTIONED IN: - De Haan a.o., A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms. CEU press, 2006. Cf. - Vrinat-Nikolov, Marie, "Ekaterina Karavelova, une traductrice discrète", in Jean Delisle (ed.), Portraits de traductrices. Ottawa, 2002, pp.205-238.
3 children, her first girl Radka died at the age of 3, the second,Viola,got mad and the third one Translator from French, Russian, German and English (32 translations). "The works she chose to translate often revealed her desire to educate her fellow-citizen on public affairs"(CR in TSA) death date: 01-04-1947 >>>>>>>>>>>>This template should be used on the reception level! jdgfeb13 - Standardizing 5TrSchoolFeb13: Judgment/evaluation : Possitive about author,Possitive about works. Is the author treated seriously (or not): Reference to good reputation already aquired Recurrent elements of image building (gendered clichés, anecdotes) : Talent for activites other than writing Mention of financial aspects : Money earned for writing and husband's money Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors Not yet checked Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : - Not yet checked Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : - Not yet checked Gender-[biased comments : Corresponds to norms of femininity Considering the author’s use of (a minor) language as: Merit