Kleyn, Adelaïde Geertruid (1786~ - 1858)

Short name Kleyn, Adelaïde Geertruid
First name Adelaïde Geertruid
Birth name Kleyn
Married name
Alternative name Adelaïde Geertruid Schippers
Date of birth 1786~
Date of death 1858
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Hooge Zwaluwe (Noord-Brabant)
Place of death Leiden
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Kleyn, Adelaïde Geertruid was ...
related to Kleyn-Ockerse, Antonia
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Author of
Receptions of Kleyn, Adelaïde Geertruid, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Lemma in Nieuw Biografisch ... woordenboek Aa, Abraham Jakob van der 1845 comments on person
*Lemma in Biografisch woordenboek der Nederlanden Aa, Abraham Jakob van der 1852 comments on person
*Lemma in Biografisch woordenboek Branden, Frans Josef Peter van den , J. G. Frederiks 1888 comments on person
*Mention in Het aandeel der vrouw [...] Maurits Basse 1920 None
- Basse I 112 - NNBW 1911-1937 - Ter Laan 1941 - A.J. van der Aa, Parelen uit de lettervruchten van Nederlandsche dichteressen. Amsterdam, Hassels, 1856. No VIAF
Date of birth estimated. First son died during birth. Lived in Arnhem (Gelderland, NLD) Utrecht (Utrecht, NLD) Wageningen (Gelderland, NLD) Married to Hermanus Johannes Schippers (1814). Widowed (1829). 5 children (Jan Pieter Herman, Antoinette Petronelle, Anthony Rudolph, Lucretia Adelaide. Published in periodical press: 1819-1833 in Nederlandsche Muzen-almanak (thesis Fineke te Raa inspired by course 'Receptie van vrouwelijke auteurs uit de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw' by Lia van Gemert, 1996.) (SP, july 2005). checkedJuly2017svd UtrechtUnesco