Catherine Maria Grey (1798 - 1870)

Short name Catherine Maria Grey
First name Catherine Maria
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Mrs. Colonel Grey , Mrs. Grey , Catherine Maria Grindall
Date of birth 1798
Date of death 1870
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth India
Place of death England
Lived in England , United Kingdom , India
Place of residence notes
Related to Anna Maria Grey
Bibliography Not mentioned in Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992. Nat. Union Catalog. Chicago Dict. of Anonymous and Pseudonymous English Lit.
Provisional Notes NB! She is often misnamed 'Elizabeth Caroline', and there is a confusion between her and two daughters as well as other women with the name of Grey/Gray. The prolific novelist is called Catherine Maria, and I have now changed her name in the VRE, and added records for other Greys. See: At the Circulating Library A Database of Victorian Fiction at MNS21 Worldcat attributes "Fitzhenry, or A marriage in high life" to this author. To be checked. jdgaug16 KLK 1904
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence England , United Kingdom , India
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