Cleeff-Kalff, Catharina van (1816 - 1901)

Short name Cleeff-Kalff, Catharina van
First name Catharina
Birth name Kalff
Married name
Alternative name Agnes van Egmond , Tante Bertha , Catharina van Cleef
Date of birth 1816
Date of death 1901
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Zwolle (Overijssel)
Place of death Zwolle (Overijssel)
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Cleeff-Kalff, Catharina van was ...
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Receptions of Cleeff-Kalff, Catharina van, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Lemma in Biografisch woordenboek Branden, Frans Josef Peter van den , J. G. Frederiks 1888 comments on person
Cat. IIAV Ned O 1898 Not mentioned in: Erica van Boven, ‘Het pseudoniem als strategie. Pseudoniemen van vrouwelijke auteurs 1850-1900’. In: Nederlandse letterkunde, 1998 (4), p. 309-326.
see : Bertha von Woisky. Blind to one eye at young age. Married to cousin. 1844: birth of daughter Catharina Anna; 1846: birth of daughter Johanna Jacomina. One of her daughters is said to have gone insane at the age of 30. (DVN) Translator from Swedish, French, German (Bremer, Blanche Colomb, Pressensé, Lola Kirchner) Contributed to: - Christelijke Volksalmanak, 1875 - Aurora, 1875-'77 - Noord en Zuid - Portefeuille - Hollandsche Lelie checkedJuly2017svd