Bentzon, Thérèse (pseudonym) (1840 - 1907)

Short name Bentzon, Thérèse (pseudonym)
First name Marie-Thérèse
Birth name de Solms
Married name
Alternative name Théodore Batz , Marie-Thérèse Blanc , Marie-Thérèse de Solms
Date of birth 1840
Date of death 1907
Birth date Notes 21-9-1840
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Seine-Porte (Île-de-France)
Place of death Meudon
Lived in France , United States , Paris
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Bentzon, Thérèse (pseudonym) was ...
related to Sand, George (pseudonym)
Memberships (Staff of) 'Revue des deux mondes'
Place(s) of Residence France , United States , Paris
Receptions of Bentzon, Thérèse (pseudonym), the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Journal Frères Goncourt 1880 comments on person
Unknown maker, portrait de Thérèse Bentzon, 1905 None is portrait of
MENTIONED IN: -Buck, Claire (ed.): Bloomsbury guide to women's literature, New York 1992. Cf. -Chew, William: „Marie-Thérèse Blanc in America. A Fin de Siècle French Perspective of the American Woman”, in: Johan Callens (ed.): Re-discoveries of America. Meeting of Cultures, Brussel 1993, pp. 17-61. -West, Joan M., “America and American literature in the essays of Th. Bentzon: Creating the image of an independent cultural identity”, in Karen Offen (ed.), Women in European Culture and Society, special issue of History of European Ideas 8 (1987), p.521-535. - id.,Th. Bentzon’s Traveler’s Notes: Redefining American Women”, in: Selecta: Journal of the Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages 16 (1995), pp. 29-33.
Alternative name: Thérèse Blanc TVW 26-01-2024 137 notices BnF. svd jul08 Born in an old castle at Seine-Porte (Seine-et-Marne). Lived in Boston, Chicago, Nohant. Married (1856), separated (1859). 1 son. Belonged to the staff of the 'Revue des deux mondes' (wrote about 35 years for that journal) Travelled at an early age to Paris where she becomes a member of the intellectual circles. First success: Publication of the story 'Un divorce' in the 'Journal des Debats'. Travelled to Russia and the United States. KLK 1904