Emmeline Raymond (1840~ - 1902)

Short name Emmeline Raymond
First name Emmeline
Birth name Raymond
Married name
Date of birth 1840~
Date of death 1902
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in France
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Emmeline Raymond was ...
Place(s) of Residence France
Receptions of Emmeline Raymond, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in Histoire des femmes écrivains de la France Henri Carton 1886 is biography of
MENTIONED IN: - Henri Carton, Histoire des femmes ecrivains de la France, 1886 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992
Dates of life: supposition Publications sur couture, broderie, etc. Editor of La Bibliothèque des mères de famille Founder of La Mode illustrée, which she edited until her death, and Paris correspondent for Harper's Bazaar. MCL Mar2014 HERA.