Knorring, Sophie von (1797 - 1848)

Short name Knorring, Sophie von
First name Sophie
Birth name Knorring
Married name Von Knorring
Alternative name Sophie Margareta von Knorring , Sophie Margareta Zelow
Date of birth 1797
Date of death 1848
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Sweden
Place of death -
Lived in Stockholm , Sweden
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Knorring, Sophie von was ...
professional colleague Bremer, Fredrika
professional colleague Emilie Flygare - Carlén
friend Magdalena Sofia Montgomery Silfverstolpe
related to Staël, Germaine de
Place(s) of Residence Stockholm (1810-1834) , Sweden
Receptions of Knorring, Sophie von, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Maria Röhl, portrait of Sophie von Knorring, 1842. Röhl, Maria 1842 is portrait of
E. Boas, Drie Zweedsche romanschrijfsters ~~journalist (name below) 1848 comments on person
Sophie von Knorring. En svensk romanförfattarinnas liv och dikt Sophie von Knorring. Life and poetry of a Swedish novel writer [unknown author, female, various] 1927 is biography of
28-09-1797 - 13-02-1848 Died of consumption. KLK 1904