Cattermole, Evelina (1849 - 1896)

Short name Cattermole, Evelina
First name Evelina
Birth name Cattermole
Married name
Alternative name Evelina Cattermole - Mancini , Contessa Lara
Date of birth 1849
Date of death 1896
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Firenze
Place of death Roma
Lived in Italy
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Cattermole, Evelina was ...
professional colleague Torriani, Maria Antonietta
Place(s) of Residence Italy
Author of
Receptions of Cattermole, Evelina, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*O. Greco, art. on Contessa Lara [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] 1875 comments on person
*art. on Contessa Lara Gubernatis, Angelo De 1895 comments on person
La Contessa Lara Matilde Serao 1896 comments on person
Een doode Nouhuys, Willem Gerard van 1897 is obituary of
*art.on La contessa Lara/Annie Vivanti Croce, Benedetto 1906 comments on person
La contessa Lara Annie Vivanti Croce, Benedetto 1921 comments on person
No French translations in Cat.BnF. svdfeb10 Several texts available online in Milan, Biblioteca Digitale (E.N.) her father Guglielmo Cattermole was Scottish, her mother Elisa Sandusch was from Florence and an excellent piano player; Evelina Catermole married Francesco Mancini in 1871, who was a soldier; they moved resp. to Rome, Naples, Milan. She spoke French, English, Spanish Published in the newspaper Fieramosca, Cronaca bizantina, Tribuna illustrata, La Donna, Roma letteraria, Il Fanfulla della domenica etc.