Marie von Ebner - Eschenbach (1830 - 1916)

Short name Marie von Ebner - Eschenbach
First name Marie
Birth name Ebner - Eschenbach
Married name
Date of birth 1830
Date of death 1916
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Czech Republic
Place of death Wien
Lived in Austro-Hungarian Empire , Austria
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marie von Ebner - Eschenbach was ...
related to Louise von François
related to Helene Druskovitz
related to Emmy de Néméthy
Memberships Verein der Schriftstellerinnen und Künstlerinnen Wien
Place(s) of Residence Austro-Hungarian Empire , Austria
Receptions of Marie von Ebner - Eschenbach, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Kunst und Literatur ("Die Dioskuren") Arts and Literature ("The Dioscuri") Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1885 None
Kunst und Literatur Arts and Literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1885 None
Kunst und Literatur ("Deutsche Dichtung") Arts and Literature ("German Poetry") Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1886 None
Kunst und Literatur Arts and Literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1888 None
Kunst und Literatur Arts and Literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1889 None
*Lemma in Mannen en vrouwen van beteekenis in onze dagen UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1895 comments on person
O te ženske! Oh, these Women Govekar, Fran 1897 None
Nemško slovstvo German literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1901 comments on person
To in ono (This and that) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1901 None
Nemška sodba o najnovejšem nemškem slovstvu German opinion about the newest German literature Bartels, Adolf , Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1901 None
Nekoliko aforizmov žen A Few Aphorisms Written by Women Josip Ferfolja 1902 quotes person
Najpriljubljenejši nemški romanopisci The Most Popular German Novelists Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1902 None
*Art. on Marie von Eber-Eschenbach in Nuova Antologia *Nemi 1903 comments on person
Nemška moderna The German Modernity Glaser, Karel 1903 is biography of
Narodno slovstvo National literature Glaser, Karel 1903 None
Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva Curiosities from German Literature Pregelj, Ivan 1915 comments on person
Umrla je na Dunaju She died in Vienna Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1916 is obituary of
Književni pomenki Literary Conversations Pregelj, Ivan 1916 None
Književnost in umetnost Literature and art Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1916 is obituary of
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "She was the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Vienna". - Berger, Allemagne (portrait): comparison to Desbordes-Valmore (p. 114).
Born in Zdislavice (Moravia, now Czech Republic) KLK 1904 MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000