Hahn-Hahn, Ida von (1805 - 1880)

Short name Hahn-Hahn, Ida von
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/4145970190832251516/
First name Ida
Birth name Hahn-Hahn
Married name
Date of birth 1805
Date of death 1880
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death Germany
Lived in Germany
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Catholic, Catholic, Protestant, Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Hahn-Hahn, Ida von was ...
related to Margaretha Haghen
related to Bölte, Amely
Place(s) of Residence Germany
Author of
Receptions of Hahn-Hahn, Ida von, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in letter Jane Welsh Carlyle 1843 comments on person
Gräfin Ida Hahn-Hahn und George Sand UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1844 comments on person
*Mention in Poeten der Jetztzeit in Briefen an eine Frau ~~historian of literature (male, name below) 1844 comments on person
The Countess Hahn-Hahn's Writings ~~journalist (name below) 1844 comments on person
Romanciers contemporains de l'Allemagne. I. Mme la comtesse Hahn-Hahn Saint-René Taillandier 1845 comments on person
The Countess Ida of Hahn-Hahn Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1845 comments on person
Een bezoek van Ida, Gravin Hahn-Hahn, bij Fredrika Bremer Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1845 comments on person
*llda von Schoenholm-Der Rechte-Ulrich-Sigismund Forster-Cecil-Grafin Faustine, 1842-Zwei Frauen (Two Wives) Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1846 comments on person
German Lady Novelists Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1847 comments on person
Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1847 comments on person
*The Countess Hahn Hahn's last Novels Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1847 comments on person
Over het wezen des romans […] Johannes Germanus Gunning, jr. 1851 None
Razgled po keršanskim svetu An overview of the Christian world Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1851 None
De l'idéal dans la littérature moderne, particulièrement chez les femmes Gallier, Anatole de 1854 comments on person
De l'idéal dans la littérature moderne, particulièrement chez les femmes Gallier, Anatole de 1854 comments on person
Razgled po keršanskim svetu An Overview of the Christian World Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1858 None
*Mention in literary history [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] 1866 comments on person
*Editors' publicity for Zwei Schwesten and Peregrin UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1866 None
Littérature contemporaine en Allemagne.Les femmes auteurs ~~journalist (name below) 1869 comments on person
Gräfin Ida Hahn-Hahn. Ein Lebensbild nach der Natur gezeichnet Le Maître, Elisabeth 1869 is biography of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1870 None
De Duitsche vrouw in de geschiedenis, feuilleton The German woman in history Rees, Catharina Felicia van 1873 comments on person
"Deutscher Hausschatz" Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1876 None
Hahn-Hahn Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 is obituary of
Ida, Gräfin Hahn- Hahn Bölte, Amely 1880 is obituary of
Tagesneuigkeiten Daily News Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 is obituary of
Hahn-Hahn Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 is obituary of
*Death Hahn-Hahn announced Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 is obituary of
Meleti peri ton en germaniai sugrafeon gunaikon (Α study on German women writers) Zarkou, Aikaterini 1881 None
Spomini o Josipu Jurčiču Memories of Josip Jurčič Jurčič, Josip , Levec, Fran 1888 None
*Mention in article: Znatnije književnice u stranih naroda/Important Foreign Women Writers Popović, Anđelija 1896 None
Se nekaj črtic iz življenja Svetle More sketches from Svetla's life Zavadil, Antonin 1899 None
Grofica Ida Hahn-Hahn The Countess Ida Hahn-Hahn Debevec, Jože 1906 comments on person
Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva Curiosities from German Literature Pregelj, Ivan 1915 comments on person
Kordula Peregrina [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1916 None
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: There is a lot of diversity in her work but while we reflect the changes in her outlook we notice that "her novels are invariably about aristocratic women of great beauty, moral strength and intelligence who yearn for emotional freedom". - ADB - Kosch
Converted to Catholicism in 1849. Founded a convent in 1854.