Lyyli Vihervaara (1888 - 1958)

Short name Lyyli Vihervaara
First name Lyyli
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1888
Date of death 1958
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Finland
Place of residence notes
Related to Lempi Vihervaara
Bibliography Mentioned in Suomalainen kirjallisuus 1911-1915.
Provisional Notes Lyyli Vihervaara studied in the university and made many field trips abroad. She worked as a lector and teacher of Finnish and English in many girl schools and also teached English in the broadcasting company (YLE). JWaug14
Religion / ideology
Education School education, Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Grönberg
Place(s) of Residence Finland
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