Sachsen, Amalie Friederike Auguste (1794 - 1870)

Short name Sachsen, Amalie Friederike Auguste
First name Amalie Friederike Auguste
Birth name Sachsen
Married name
Alternative name Princess Amalie Amalie of Saxony
Date of birth 1794
Date of death 1870
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Dresden (Sachsen)
Place of death -
Lived in Germany
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title Prinzessin
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Sachsen, Amalie Friederike Auguste was ...
Place(s) of Residence Germany
Author of
Receptions of Sachsen, Amalie Friederike Auguste, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Theater in Laibach Theater in Ljubljana Kordeš, Leopold 1839 None
Theater in Laibach Theater in Ljubljana Kordeš, Leopold 1846 comments on person
Auswärtige Kunst - und Theaterrevue Foreign Arts - and Theater Revue Kordeš, Leopold 1847 None
De Duitsche vrouw in de geschiedenis, feuilleton The German woman in history Rees, Catharina Felicia van 1873 comments on person
Theater Theater Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1877 comments on person
Bühnen - Novität Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1877 None