Przybyszewska, Dagny Juel (1867 - 1901)

Short name Przybyszewska, Dagny Juel
VIAF dagny juel przybyszewska
First name Dagny
Birth name Juel
Married name
Alternative name Dagny Juel
Date of birth 1867
Date of death 1901
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Kongsvinger
Place of death Tbilisi
Lived in Germany , Norway , Poland
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Przybyszewska, Dagny Juel was ...
related to Dehmel, Ida
related to Stanislaw Przybyszewski
related to Munch, Edvard
related to Gabriela Zapolska
related to Laura Mohr
related to Casanova, Sofía
Place(s) of Residence Germany , Norway , Poland
Author of
Receptions of Przybyszewska, Dagny Juel, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Edvard Munch fortæller om Fru Przybyzsewski EM talks about Mrs Przybyzsewski Munch, Edvard 1901 comments on person
*Article commenting on Dagny Juel Przybyszewska UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1901 comments on person
Livet i 'Den sorte Gris' Life in 'The black hog' UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1901 comments on person
Mentioned by Strindberg, Meyer Grafe and others writing on the bohemians in Berlin in the 1890s. Got a reputation as a femme fatale; the myth has long overshadowed her own work as a poet. Translated Karl Gustav Tavaststjerna, Stanslaw Przybyszewski to Norwegian and Sigbjørn Obstfelder to German abr dec11 No items in cat. BnF Paris or KB The Hague svdfeb12 Her poems were translated to English by Hanne Bramness in 1988 ABR sept.12 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 Norwegian writer and translator. Second daughter of a phycisian; niece of the Norwegian prime minister. Grew up at Kongsvinger in Norway. Left Norway for piano studies in Berlin, 1893. Took part in the bohemian circle in "Zum Schwartzen Ferkel" in Berlin (1893). Married the Polish writer Stanisław Przybyszewski (1893). 2 children. Affected by the suicide of her husbands’ mistress, by whom he had 3 children, in 1895. Lived in Germany (1893-98), for periods also in her parents' home in Norway. Travelled to France, Spain (1898). Moved to Poland in 1898. Was murdered by a young male admirerer and friend in Tbilisi in 1901. Modest literary production: 4 prose poems and 2 dramas were published during her life time; another 2 dramas the year after her dearth. Some of her texts were published in Polish and Czech. 13 poems and a short story discovered and published in the 1970s, a last 14th poem in the 1990s. forfurtherdiscussion: deleted some of thge countries where lived: Germany Norway Paris (FRA) Poland Spain svd 20-2-17