Ellen Karolina Sofia Key (1849 - 1926)

Short name Ellen Karolina Sofia Key
First name Ellen Karolina Sofia
Birth name Key
Married name
Date of birth 1849
Date of death 1926
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Sweden
Place of death Sweden
Lived in Sweden
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Ellen Karolina Sofia Key was ...
related to Gjems-Selmer, Ågot
related to Dina Samuela Logeman - van der Willigen
related to Wit, Augusta de
related to Laura Mohr
Place(s) of Residence Sweden
Receptions of Ellen Karolina Sofia Key, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Biografiskt album Biographical album Ellen Karolina Sofia Key , Elna Lovisa Johanna Tenow , Gripenberg, Alexandra , Margrethe Fibiger , [unknown author, female, various] 1890 is biography of
Ellen Key Ellen Key Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1894 comments on person
Arvostelu Neiti Ellen Keyn viime lausunnoista naisasiassa Critique of Ellen Key's Latest Statements on the Woman Issue Canth, Minna 1896 comments on person
Nove faze moderne žene The new phases of the modern woman Novák, Arne 1900 comments on person
Ellen Keys tredje rike Ellen Keys third world [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] 1902 comments on person
Den Ellen Key'ske ægteskabsreform The Ellen Keysk marriage reform UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1903 comments on person
Ellen Key. "Ukristelig Mand"? Ellen Key "unchristian man"? (?) Møller, Ingeborg 1903 comments on person
Ellen Key's lære Ellen Keys teachings UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1903 comments on person
Ellen Keys Theorier Ellen Key's theories Møller, Ingeborg 1903 comments on person
Ženska in knjige Woman and books Govekar, Minka 1905 None
*Lemma in Mannen (en Vrouwen) van betekenis in onze dagen Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1906 comments on person
Iz ženskega sveta - Ellen Key o ženski volilni pravici From the World of Women - Ellen Key on Women's Suffrage Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1907 comments on person
Predavanje o Ellen Key Lecture on Ellen Key Wester, Josip 1910 None
Ellen Key o materinstvu in ženskem delu izven doma Ellen Key on Motherhood and Female Work Outside the Home Kleinmayr, Ferdo 1910 comments on person
Ustanova švedske pisateljice Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1913 None
Elen Kej Ellen Kay Sekulić, Isidora 1926 is biography of
Ellen Key. Hennes liv och verk Ellen Key. Her life and work Löfgren, Ebba Maria Lovisa Leche 1930 is biography of
KLK 1904 KLK 1915 MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.188ss: New Woman