Magdalene Sophie Buchholm (1758 - 1823)

Short name Magdalene Sophie Buchholm
First name Magdalene Sophie
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Nordens Sappho
Date of birth 1758
Date of death 1823
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Norway
Place of death Norway
Lived in Norway
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes mnsoct10 Personal: Born in Skien. Married twice. Had several longer stays in Copenhagen. Professional: The only Norwegian-born female poet in the 1790s. Published poetry in magazines and newspapers, later collected in _Poesier_(1793), which contained 32 poems. Associated with the circle of authors known as "Det norske Selskab". forfurtherdiscussion abrApr17 I don't think she ever used "Nordens Sapfo" as a pseudonym; she was name so by critics. svd: so I suggest to leave this out, there are of course numerous authors designated as a particular kind of Sappho. this item belongs to what is called co-citation, for which we need to find out how to handle it.
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Norway
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