Wattier, Johanna Cornelia (1762 - 1827)

Short name Wattier, Johanna Cornelia
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/4602360
First name Johanna Cornelia
Birth name Wattier
Married name Ziesenis
Alternative name Johanna Cornelia Ziesenis-Wattier
Date of birth 1762
Date of death 1827
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Rotterdam
Place of death Voorburg (Zuid-Holland)
Lived in Amsterdam , Den Haag , Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Wattier, Johanna Cornelia was ...
related to Brinkman, Anna Catharina
Place(s) of Residence Amsterdam , Den Haag , Netherlands
Receptions of Wattier, Johanna Cornelia, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
F.J. Pfeiffer, portait of Johanna Cornelia Wattier, 1780. 1780 is portrait of
*Mention in Schets eener geschiedenis der Nederlandse letterkunde Ferdinand Augustijn Snellaert 1866 comments on person
Online-portrait in DVN
Parents of French descent. Baptized in Rotterdam. Only son Johannes Anthonius Wilhelm died 3 months after his birth in 1802.(DVN) Lived in Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD) Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD) Johannes Kinker honored her with a poem when she had worked at the theatre for 25 years. Member of the Genootschap voor Uiterlijke Welsprekendheid and the Fonds ter Opleiding en Verdere Onderrigting Van Tooneelkunstenaars. (DVN) checkedJuly2017svd