Iozefa Iraskova-Hiteva (1844 - 1929)

Short name Iozefa Iraskova-Hiteva
First name Iozefa
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Ioza Iraskova-Hiteva
Date of birth 1844
Date of death 1929
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Bulgaria
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes Bogdana took very important part in public life of the society.She became part of the women company "Prosveshtenie"/"Ilumination",where they helped pour students(girls).The women company supplied the school with books,textbooks and others.Every Sunday women came to the Lady's School where Bogdana,Eka Karaminkova and Paraskeva Shushulkova gave a talk on different topics. Bogdana was part of the Bulgarian revolutionary movement. Before The Liberation She worked in Tsarigrad/Istanbul as a teacher.After that she came back to Bulgaria to be a teacher and a translator.In 1878 she became head director of all Schools in Pazardzhik.In 1887-1888 She became a manager of Ladies School in Stara Zagora.There she worked till 1893. In 1897 Bogdana moved to Varna.There she was teaching History,Economy and calligraphy. After she retired lived in Sofia till her dead-1929.There She collaborated as a translator-books,novels and plays from Czech into Bulgarian.She helped newspapers such as "Izvor"/"Spring", "Zhenski svijat"/"Women's World", "Moda i domakinstvo"/"Fashion and household","Uchitel"/"Teacher","Zora"/"Daybreak" and many more.
Religion / ideology
Education Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Hiteva, Bogdana
Place(s) of Residence Bulgaria
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